I am a lifelong learner.

I am constantly looking for ways to improve upon my digital skillset, communication, and leadership. This is how I’ve acquired a full stack of skills including UI design, UX design, front-end development, and analytical SEO background knowledge. In my latest learning endeavor, I’ve been working on better communicating with clients and honing my leadership skills.

I am mathematical.

Not many designers can say this, but that’s what makes me unique! I’ve always loved math and using a good logic problem to solve everyday design problems. Thinking this way has contributed to my organized way of breaking down a large project into approachable chunks and tackling a much more manageable to do list. It has also helped guide communications with development and key stakeholders involving complex thinking.

I am empathetic.

One of the things that’s most fun to work on is solving pain points for a client and/or a user. This stems from my ability to empathize with both parties. Balancing the expectations with the user needs is a fun challenge that tickles my inner designer. I dare you to challenge it!